Item List

Complete Item List!!! Many thanks to Mindflare!

Item Name - Item Effect (Where to Get Item) -Price

Antidote - Cures Poison (Pokemart) - 100
Awakening - Wakes up Sleeping Pokemon (Pokemart) - 250
Bicycle - Makes you move faster and access the Bike path (Bicycle shop at Cerulean) - 1,000,000 or free if you get it with Bike Voucher
Bike Voucher - Trade for Bicycle (Vermillion City Pokemon Fan Club) - 0
Burn Heal - Cures burn (Pokemart) - 250
Calcium - Raises special, each pokemon has a limit to how much can be used (Celadon department store) - 9,800
Carbos - Raises speed, each pokemon has a limit to how much can be used (Celadon Department store) - 9,800
Card Key - Opens doors in the Silph Company building (Silph Company, floor 5) - 0
Coin - Used to Buy Items at the Game Corner and to play the Slots (Celadon City Game Corner)- Depends on how you get them
Coin Case - Carries Coins (Celadon City Restaraunt) - 0
Dire Hit - It says in the instruction book attacks will be more effective, I never used it so I wouldn't know (Celadon Dept. Store) - 650
Dome Fossil - Contains the pokemon Kabuto (Mt. Moon) - 0
Elixer - Each ability gets 10 of its PP replenished (Many places) - 0
Escape Rope - Takes you to the last pokemon center you were at, same as dig (Pokemart or you can find it) - 0 to find it, 550 at Pokemart
Ether - Replenishes 10 PP of 1 ability (many places) - 0
Exp. all - gives experience points to all pokemon you are carrying, but it divides them equally so if you have 6 pokemon they each get very little experience (Proffesor Oak's aide, in lookout tower to the right of Fuschia) - must have 50 different pokemon in your pokedex other then that no price
Fire Stone - Used to evolve certain pokemon (Celadon City Dept. store) - 2,100
Fresh Water - Restores 50 HP in battle, give to guards to let you into Saffron (Celadon Dept. store) - 200
Full Heal - Cures any status effect (poison, sleep ect.) (pokemart) - 600
Full Restore - Restores all HP and gets rid of all status effects! (Indigo Plateau pokemart or found) - 3,000 at pokemart, 0 if found
Gold Teeth - Give to the Warden and he will give you HM04 (Safari Zone) - 0
Good Rod - Used to go fishing, not as good as super rod but at least you catch pokemon other than Magikarp (Fishing Guru in Fuchsia) - 0
Great Ball- Catchs pokemon better than Pokeball (Pokemart or found) - 0 if found, 600 at pokemart
Guard Spec. - Never used it but the Instruction Manual says Enemy Pokemon won't be able to use special attacks (Celadon City Dept. Store) - 700
Helix Fossil - Contains the pokemon Omanyte (Mt. Moon) - 0
HP up - Raises Max HP, each pokemon has a limit to how much can be used on them (Celadon City Dept. Store) - 9,800
Hyper Potion - Restores 200 HP (pokemart) - 1,500
Ice Heal - Cures freeze status effect (pokemart) - 250
Iron - Raises defense, each pokemon has a limit to how much can be used on them (Celadon City Dept. store) - 9,800
Item Finder - Tells you if a Hidden Item is near by (Proffesor Oak's aide to the right of Vermillion) - Must have 30 different pokemon in your pokedex
Leaf Stone - Evolves certain pokemon (Celadon Dept. store) -2,100
Lemonade - Restores 80 HP in battle, give to gaurds to get into Saffron (Celadon Dept. store) - 350
Lift Key - Activates Elevator in Game Corner (Game Corner, Basement 4) - 0
Master Ball - Catches pokemon without fail (Silph Company building) - 0
Max Elixer - Restores all PP for all abilities (many places) - 0
Max Ether - Restores all PP of 1 ability (many places) - 0
Max Potion -Restores all HP of a pokemon (pokemart) - 2,500
Max Repel - Prevents random attacks, lasts the longest (pokemart) - 700
Max Revive - Revives and restores all HP of a fainted pokemon (many places) - 0
Moon Stone - Makes certain pokemon evolve (5 different places) - 0
Nugget - Sell for 5,000 (Many places) - 0
Oak's Parcel - Give it to Proffeser Oak for a Pokedex (Viridian City Pokemart) - 0
Old Amber - Contains the pokemon Aerodactyl (Pewter museum, back entrance) - 0
Old Rod - Crappy rod, only catches Magikarps (Vermillion City Fishing Guru) - 0
Paralyze Heal - Cures paralisis (Pokemart) - 200
Pokeball - Catch pokemon with it (Pokemart) - 200
Pokedoll - Distracts opponent so you get a chance to run away, can also give it to copycat to get TM31 (Celadon Dept. Store) - 1000
Pokeflute - Wakes up sleeping pokemon, unlimited use (Mr. Fugi in Lavender Town) - 0
Pokedex - Keep data of your pokemon in here (Proffesor Oak, Pallet town) - 0
Potion - Restores 20 HP (pokemart) - 300
PP Up - Raises max PP of one ability (many places) - 0
Protein - Raises attack, each pokemon has a limit to how much you can use on them (Celadon Dept. store) - 9,800
Rare Candy - Raises level of pokemon, not as effective as training (many places) - 0
Repel - Prevents random encounters, worst repel (pokemart) - 350
S.S.Ticket - Allows entry to the S.S.Anne (Bill, Bills house above Cerulean) - 0
Safari Ball - Only ball you can use in Safari Zone (Safari Zone entrance) - 500 for 30
Secret Key - Allows entry to the Cinnabar gym (pokemon research center, Cinnabar Island) - 0
Silph Scope - Allows you to see the true identitys of the ghosts in the pokemon tower (Game Corner) - 0
Soda Pop - Restores 60 HP in battle (Celadon dept. store) - 300
Super Potion - Restores 50 HP in and out of battle (pokemart) -700
Super Repel - Prevents enemy encounters, better than Repel (Pokemart) - 500
Super Rod - Best rod in the game (Fishing guru below Lavender town) - 0
Thunder Stone - Evolves certain pokemon (Celadon dept. store) -2,100
Town Map - Map of the area (Gary's sister, Pallet town) - 0
Ultra Ball - Catches pokemon, best ball (other than master) you can get (pokemart) - 1,200
Water Stone - Evolves certain pokemon (Celadon Dept. Store) - 2,100
X Accuracy - Raises accuracy temporarily in battle (Celadon Dept. store) - 950
X Attack - Raises attack temporarily in battle (Celadon Dept. store) - 500
X Defend - Raises defense temporarily in battle (Celadon Dept. store) - 550
X Special - Raises special temporarily in battle (Celadon Dept. store) - 350
X Speed - Raises speed temporarily in battle (Celadon Dept. store) - 350

Items Found Only with GamShark!

???? - Allows you to surf without pokemon
???? - Different from above, I have no idea what it does
Ash - Like pokedoll, wonder what'll happen if you give it to copycat...
Gary - Same as above, get him with same code but Gary's on one version and Ash on the other
Jack - I have no idea
John - Same as above, you get them with the same codes, Jack on 1 version, John on the other